Oye is a financial technology company that provides boda boda (motorcycle taxi) riders a financial safety net via insurance and benefits which are earned through purchases made with partner providers.

Overview —
The team at Alternative Circle approached me in 2020 to work with them to identify an opportunity space in the insurance product market. Having worked in Fintech for years they were keen to bring a digital solution to users who had previously been overlooked for insurance products.

Research —
Over a 3 month period I conducted a research and a series of design innovation sessions with the team, to help us understand the space, identify opportunities for innovation and ideate on potential product offerings for audiences.

Design innovation —
A large part of our design innovation sessions was dedicated to ensuring we understood the different audiences that exist in the informal sector and their wants, needs, pains and gains. Once we had a clear understanding of the existing audiences as well as defined the what, how, and why of our brand we were then able to identify the audience to whom our insurance products could make the most valuable impact.

Audience —
Boda boda (motorcycle taxi) riders are a critical part of Kenya’s transport system. In the last 7 years they have filled a gap providing reliable, and efficient transport and improving the livelihoods of millions of largely male youth who would otherwise have no avenues for income. However many riders do not have adequate insurance cover, studies show that about 30% of road traffic accidents involve boda boda riders who then pay out of pocket for medical needs leading to an untenable burden when a primary breadwinner is unable to earn.

Solution —
Once we had identified a deep understanding of our users, and the opportunity space we were able to craft our unique value proposition. Which addresses the needs and challenges users face. With this locked in I then focused on desigining the strategy and brand for the company.

Enrich Tomorrow Today

Oye is a global yet local exclamation, popular across the continent during the fight for independence that spanned the 50s to the 80s and today used as a rally call by conductors, and boda boda riders to attract potential customers.

The brand —
As Oye’s key aim is to enrich boda boda riders the logo and visual identity needed to embody this ideal, and this was achieved via the stylised arrow in the logo mark and colours of the brand.

Launch —
Oye launched in the market in 2022 and is currently offering boda boda riders personal accident cover which is earned by fueling up to 90 litres daily at one of their partner petrol stations - giving informal sector workers with a high risk of injury the coverage they need should an unlikely situation occur.

Oye Today —
The Oye team has grown remarkably with numerous partnerships with fueling stations, over 20,000 active riders, and 3,000+ free personal accident covers issued. This